Breast Center

At the South Bend Clin­ic Breast Cen­ter, we use a thor­ough and car­ing approach to iden­ti­fy and treat var­i­ous breast-relat­ed issues in women and men. One in every eight women will devel­op breast can­cer, which is an unset­tling sta­tis­tic. Ear­ly detec­tion of breast can­cer is a wom­an’s best line of defense, thus it is our mis­sion to com­bine cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy with the exper­tise of our breast imag­ing doc­tors to find breast can­cer when it is still in its ear­ly stages and more eas­i­ly treatable.

Mam­mog­ra­phy is an imag­ing tool to screen for breast can­cer. With the use of com­pres­sion and X‑rays, this tech­nol­o­gy can dig­i­tal­ly cap­ture pho­tos of your breast. By zoom­ing in, adjust­ing the pic­ture bright­ness, or chang­ing the con­trast on the com­put­er, your radi­ol­o­gist can more close­ly exam­ine the images and make it eas­i­er for all breast areas. We pro­vide 3D mam­mog­ra­phy, which enables your radi­ol­o­gist to view your breast prob­lem lay­er by lay­er using a 3D scan. Your radi­ol­o­gist can eval­u­ate your breast tis­sue in one-mil­lime­ter lay­ers rather than one flat, dense image, which makes any abnor­mal­i­ties eas­i­er to understand.

Self-sched­ule screen­ing mammograms

Exist­ing patients can self-sched­ule their screen­ing mam­mog­ra­phy appoint­ments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through the Duly Health and Care app pow­ered by MyChart. Upon log­ging in avail­able loca­tions and appoint­ment times will be vis­i­ble to patients, enabling them to self-sched­ule their screen­ing mammograms.

For those with­out MyChart accounts, call 574−237−9203 to sched­ule an appointment.

Sched­ul­ing made easy.

  1. Log in to the Duly Health and Care app.
  2. Click on the​“Sched­ule a Mam­mo­gram” icon.
  3. Select​“Sched­ule an Appointment.”
  4. Under​“Tell us why you’re com­ing in,” select​“Screen­ing Mammogram.”
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